
Embrace &

Celebrate You


Embrace &

Celebrate You

Facts about stress and burnout:

What is stress?
  • Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain

  • Stress was labeled the 20th century disease and a world wide epidemic
  • Stress has overtaken traditional workplace injuries to become the biggest cause of sickness absence
  • 33 billion a year is lost in productivity due to stress
  • The number of people absent from work due to stress has tripled since 1995
  • Mental health claims are the fastest growing category of disability costs in Canada
  • 80% of all workplace accidents are stress induced issues
  • More than 35% of all Canadians are feeling burnout

Most Common
Burnout Myths

People who burn out are weak

In fact, it has been found that people who burn out are the most engaged employees and give themselves fully to their occupations.

Burn out is an individual issue not an organizational issue

Burnout used to be thought of as an individual issue but as has been demonstrated in the last few years burn out is definitively an organizational issue and should be addressed accordingly from policies to managers throughout the whole organization.

Millennials use burn out as an excuse

84% of millennials experience burnout in part due to the rise of technology And the feeling that they should always be on and the high expectations they have of themselves.

More sleep and time off will solve burn out

Burnout needs a long-term solution and managers need to focus on the root causes Ie. overload, lack of support, lack of fairness and equity and lack of participation in decision making

Are you always exhausted, fed up or unhappy with your job?

Take this assessment
to see if you’re at risk of burn out:

About Me

My name is Sylvie and I am a relentlessly helpful social worker. I have been in the field for over 30 years and have worked with a variety of people with a wide array of issues. I have gained many skills and experience and have taken and facilitated multiple trainings. I have, like most of us, overcome many challenges including burnout. I am also an enthusiastic yoga practitioner and am open to new challenges.
My finest quality though is my outstanding sense of humour. After all, laughter is the best medicine, right? 😄

I know burnout intimately because it happened to me…
5 years ago I was a social worker ( for over 30 years) And I woke up one day completely burned out. I was overworked and exhausted, felt depressed and overwhelmed. I was forgetting everything and could hardly get out of bed. I did not feel like doing anything or seeing anybody.

If you want to change the way you feel follow my Tips, Tricks & Hacks. They will do for you what it did for me and many others satisfied clients.

Here are some of the tips:

We are all living in a toxic culture that value money over everything else, which constantly tells us to buy more, have more, want more, make more, and be more.It all adds greatly to our daily stress.
Instead VALUE what you have and who you are.

How to choose the right people for your life?

Those who:
  • Choose you
  • Ask how you are
  • See you
  • Let you be you
  • Feel good to your nervous system
  • Good for your mental health
  • Want to see you win
  • Don’t try to control you
  • Encourage you

Hear it from people

  • “Tried Sylvie’s program it helped but I needed more. Needed to go to my Doctor and see about some time off. Thank you”

    H. Yun
  • “Liked the program just need to keep up with what I learned. Glad I Noticed it in earlystage.Thank you Sylvie”

    M. Bowen
  • “After taking Sylvie’s program, I learned to stop, breathe and prioritize. I am learning toleave work at work to disconnect once I get home to spend more quality time with my family. Also learning to do things just for me and just for fun Thank you Sylvie”

    E. Guzman

Your Benefits

Help for women who are burn out to find their mojo again and soarTo new Heights

Balancing Body & Mind

Reducing negative emotions

Increasing patience and tolerance

Better Sleep

A Great Change

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Transform Your Life?

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